Aveton Gifford is a village situated on the River Avon. We have our own Parish Project Group who have researched various aspects of the village and published their findings through our own website.
There is a move to broaden the attraction of the Parish Project Group to encourage more people to join the group in a more informal type of membership. We realise that committees and formal meetings are not everyone’s cup of tea, but that there is a lot of interest in the history and heritage of the parish. We hope, by leaving the administration to a small core of people, more people may feel encouraged to join us in a range of outings and other activities, or to suggest any others that you would like to take part in yourself; we stress that you don’t have to be part of our committee to join us!
We plan to continue to record our way of life in the parish over past years, and would like to encourage anybody to become involved in this. At present we are concentrating on our farming heritage, and hope to gather more written and oral memories, and photographs of local farms and agricultural practices. However we will not restrict our recording to farming alone – childhood and family life, school, local jobs and craftsmen, church or chapel, haunted houses, illnesses and medical care before the NHS… anything in fact! if you feel you would like to get involved, please let us know.
The group plans to host more events this coming year – another display at the Church fete again this summer, featuring photographs, articles and items of interest about “The River Avon, past and present”. Please see our Forthcoming Events page for further details. These events will be open to all, so please come and join us!